Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Boston Marathon Training - Week #2 Day #2– 4 Miles Easy


Today I talked to several people both at work virtually, and around town when running errands.  People are learning of Christina’s currently situation, and naturally are at first stunned… not exactly knowing what to say, are saddened, and then offer their thoughts and prayers.  We appreciate all of the thoughts and prayers.  Naturally people that have been impacted by cancer directly or indirectly have stories, experiences to share, and treatment recommendation.  Christina’s isn’t following the traditional western medicine treatment ideologies, thus much of this advice is mute, but we appreciate the thoughts.  I can be frustrating, however luckily most of that communication is coming in my direction instead of Christina’s so I can filter out recommendations that are in alignment her treatment plan. An interesting day, and a nice easy run was called for to escape a bit.

Today the training plan called for a four mile easy run, “Take a cue from the Kenyans and start each training run superslow. You may even consider walking briskly for a few minutes before easing into a jog.” Start slow is what I am use to doing, but I gave it a shot anyway:



I started really slow, speed up a bit in mile two, and in mile three a bit more – partially due to the wind at my back, and took the last mile pretty easy.  It was pretty warm compared to the weather lately at about 50 degrees, with a little rain.  Nice little run.

See you next time!

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